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netio230a by Philipp Klaus

netio230a is a python class to access the Koukaam NETIO 230A. That is a cheap but advanced multiple socket with Ethernet control.

Pictures of the target device



For more photos of the inside of the device check NETIO 230A Hardware wiki site.


You can download this project in either zip or tar formats.

You can also clone the project with Git by running:

$ git clone git://


You can find some documentation of the project in our Wiki!

Screenshot of the Bottle Web App

This software now comes with a Bottle based ajax web app. It allows to control the power outlets of the NETIO230A:

Screenshots of the Graphical User Interface

The project also contains a PyGTK based GUI for the device that connects to the NETIO-230A via Telnet (using the class). It works on Linux and Windows (presumably also on Mac OS X although not tested).

See more screenshots on the screenshots site.

See more screenshots on the screenshots site.


Philipp Klaus


philipp.l.klaus AT