Source code for walk_folder

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" Command line tool to read measurement folders and navigate through their measurement points. """

from dataformat import Measurement
import keycode
import sys

[docs]def main(): """ The main code, instantiating the class :class:`dataformat.Measurement` with the folder of the first argument given. """ if len(sys.argv) < 2: print "Give a folder!" sys.exit(1) try: m = Measurement(sys.argv[1]) except Exception, e: print e sys.exit(2) if m.blobs_found: print("Attention, at least one image appears to have an overflow! Please correct that first.") print "Measurement read in." i = 0 print("Use the left / right keys to navigate.") while i in range(len(m.measurementPoints)): print("Showing image %d of %d." % (i+1, len(m.measurementPoints)) ) key = m.measurementPoints[i].display_image(rescale=True,rescale_to_percentile_and_max=True) # how many measurement points should the tool jump on keystrokes if key in keycode.KEY_ESCAPE or key in keycode.KEY_CLOSE_WINDOW: break if key in keycode.KEY_RIGHT or key in keycode.KEY_SPACE: i += 1 elif key in keycode.KEY_LEFT: i += -1 elif key in keycode.KEY_DOWN: i += 10 elif key in keycode.KEY_UP: i += -10 print("Last image displayed, exiting.")
if __name__ == '__main__': main()