Source code for signalprocessing

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" A collection of useful signal processing functions """

# wget
import sg_filter
[docs]def smooth(signal): """ Smoothing a signal using the Savitzky–Golay filter. """ coeff = sg_filter.calc_coeff(len(signal)/500, 5) return sg_filter.smooth(signal, coeff)
from numpy import real, arctan, pi from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
[docs]def remove_high_frequency_noise(signal, cutoff=15.): """ A Low-pass filter. See . :param cutoff: defines the limit at which higher frequencies should be removed (from 0. to 100.). :type cutoff: float. """ cutoff_range = (1 + len(signal) * cutoff * .01, len(signal) - cutoff * .01 * len(signal)) spectrum = fft(signal) i = 0 spectrum_cut = [] for freq in spectrum: ### no filter at all: #spectrum_cut.append(freq) ### sharply defined range cut out: if i < cutoff_range[0]: spectrum_cut.append(freq) elif i < cutoff_range[1]: spectrum_cut.append(0.0) ### lowpass with linear cut: #spectrum_cut.append( freq * ( 2 * cutoff_range[0] - i)/( cutoff_range[1] - cutoff_range[1] ) ) else: #spectrum_cut.append(0.0) spectrum_cut.append(freq) ### arctan as transfer function #spectrum_cut.append(freq * (arctan((-i+cutoff_range[0])/cutoff_range[0]*10)/pi + .5) ) ### lowpass filter with sharp cutoff: #spectrum_cut.append(freq if i < cutoff_range[0] else 0.0) i += 1 return real(ifft(spectrum_cut))
from numpy import sum
[docs]def calculate_sum(signal, val_from, val_to, baseline): """ A function to calculate the sum of a selection of values from which a baseline value has been substracted. """ cropped_signal = signal[val_from:val_to+1] return sum(cropped_signal) - baseline * (val_to+1 - val_from)