Source code for sg_filter

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A module that implements the useful Savitzky–Golay filter.
See .

from math import *
from numpy import *

[docs]def calc_coeff(num_points, pol_degree, diff_order=0): """ Calculates filter coefficients for symmetric Savitzky–Golay filter. see: :param num_points: means that 2*num_points+1 values contribute to the smoother. :type num_points: int. :param pol_degree: is degree of fitting polynomial :type pol_degree: int. :param diff_order: is degree of implicit differentiation. 0 means that filter results in smoothing of function. 1 means that filter results in smoothing the first derivative of function. :type diff_order: int. :returns: numpy.array -- The coefficients for the Savitzky–Golay filter. """ # Setup interpolation matrix. You might use other interpolation # points and maybe other functions than monomials. x = arange(-num_points, num_points+1, dtype=int) monom = lambda x, deg : pow(x, deg) A = zeros((2*num_points+1, pol_degree+1), float) for i in range(2*num_points+1): for j in range(pol_degree+1): A[i,j] = monom(x[i], j) # calculate diff_order-th row of inv(A^T A) ATA = dot(A.transpose(), A) rhs = zeros((pol_degree+1,), float) rhs[diff_order] = (-1)**diff_order wvec = linalg.solve(ATA, rhs) # calculate filter-coefficients coeff = dot(A, wvec) return coeff
[docs]def smooth(signal, coeff): """ Applies coefficients calculated by :py:func:`calc_coeff` to signal. """ N = (size(coeff)-1)/2 res = convolve(signal, coeff) return res[N:-N]
if __name__ == "__main__": print "Sample run to demonstrate the SG Filter" x=arange(0, 10., .1) y=sin(x) coeff = calc_coeff(5, 2, diff_order=1) yPrime=smooth(y, coeff) # calibrate due to unknown correction factor: N = len(x) dy =cos(x) # exakt corrfac = dy[N/2]/yPrime[N/2] import pylab pylab.plot(x,y) pylab.plot(x,corrfac*yPrime)