Source code for dataformat

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


This module holds classes and helper functions to represent the data format
of the measurements carried out with the HHG spectrometer.

It helps reading in the data from the folders and extracts information from the
implicit data structure found in the sets of

- and TIFF files.


from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse
from numpy import array
import cv2
import re
import os
from datetime import datetime
from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager, cpu_count
from blobs import find_blobs
from tiff import TIFF
from progress import ProgressMeter
import time

[docs]class Measurement(object): """ This class can hold a complete measurement taken with the HHG spectrometer. It holds a list of the individual :class:`MeasurementPoint` instances. """ avg_folder_match = r'avg_(\d)' timestamp_match = r'(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})T(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})f(\d{2})' image_match = r'HHG_' + timestamp_match + '_\.tif' bg_image_match = r'HHG_' + timestamp_match + '_bg\.tif' xml_match = r'HHG_' + timestamp_match + '_\.xml' def __init__(self, folder): self.read_measurement(folder) @staticmethod
[docs] def other_files_for_xml(xml_filename): "Returns the names of the image and background files that belong to a certain xml file." return xml_filename.replace('.xml','.tif'), xml_filename.replace('.xml','bg.tif')
[docs] def read_measurement(self, folder): """ This function contains the logic to read in measurement folders. First, it finds out what it has to do and creates a list of instructions. Then it starts to process those jobs in parallel. :param folder: The path to the folder that contains the measurment. :type folder: str. """ avg_folders = [] for filename in os.listdir(folder): if re.match(self.avg_folder_match, filename): avg_folders.append(filename) xmlfiles = [] for avg_folder in avg_folders: for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.join(folder,avg_folder)): for filename in filenames: xmlmatch = re.match(self.xml_match, filename) if xmlmatch: vals = [int(val) for val in xmlmatch.groups()] date = datetime(vals[0],vals[1],vals[2],vals[3],vals[4],vals[5],vals[6]*10000) image_file, bg_file = Measurement.other_files_for_xml(filename) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirname, image_file)): raise NameError('No TIFF image found for XML %s.' % filename) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirname, bg_file)): raise NameError('No background TIFF image found for XML %s.' % filename) xmlfiles.append({'date': date, 'd': dirname, 'f': filename, 'avg': re.match(self.avg_folder_match, avg_folder).groups()[0]}) if xmlfiles == []: raise NameError("This folder doesn't seem to contain measurement data") total = len(xmlfiles) pm = ProgressMeter(total=total) ## Parallel processing of the files finished = False num_processes = cpu_count() i = 0 p = Pool(processes=num_processes) manager = Manager() queue = manager.Queue() result = p.map_async(process_MeasurementPoint_QueueWrapper, [(xmlfile, queue) for xmlfile in xmlfiles]) while not finished: if not queue.empty(): #print("Processed XML file %s." % queue.get()) queue.get() i += 1 if i == total: finished = True if i % num_processes == 0: pm.update(num_processes) else: time.sleep(0.02) if i % num_processes != 0: pm.update(i % num_processes) self.measurementPoints = result.get() ## Sequential processing of the files #self.measurementPoints = [] #for xmlfile in xmlfiles: # self.measurementPoints.append(process_MeasurementPoint(xmlfile)) # pm.update(1) self.after_process()
[docs] def after_process(self): """Calculate properties derived from all the measurement points. If they are expensive to calculate, their calculation should be prepared in the instantiation process of the :class:`MeasurementPoint` class. """ print "Starting after-processing." self.minmax = ( min([mp.minmax[0] for mp in self.measurementPoints]), max([mp.minmax[1] for mp in self.measurementPoints]) ) self.blobs_found = max([len(mp.blobs) for mp in self.measurementPoints]) > 0 for mp in self.measurementPoints: mp.collection = self
def process_MeasurementPoint_QueueWrapper(args): """ This function wraps calls to :func:`process_MeasurementPoint` and tells a queue when it's share is done. It is made to be used as callback for the :py:module:`multiprocessing` module if you want parallel processing. """ instructions = args[0] queue = args[1] retval = process_MeasurementPoint(instructions) queue.put(instructions['f']) return retval def process_MeasurementPoint(instructions): """ This is a function that can be called for every MeasurementPoint to be be processed according to the 'instructions'. This leverages the parallel processing of those measurement points. """ image_file, bg_file = Measurement.other_files_for_xml(instructions['f']) return MeasurementPoint( instructions['date'], instructions['avg'], os.path.join(instructions['d'], instructions['f']), os.path.join(instructions['d'], image_file), os.path.join(instructions['d'], bg_file), )
[docs]class MeasurementPoint(object): """ This class holds all data associated with a single measurement point. This includes an XML file, the image from the spectrometer and a background reference image. """ PD_SCOPE_CHANNEL = 0 ION_SCOPE_CHANNEL = 1 collection = None def __init__(self, date, avgnum, xmlfile, imgfile, bgfile=None): #print("Reading XML file %s" % xmlfile) = date self.avgnum = avgnum self.read_xml(xmlfile) self.read_image(imgfile,bgfile)
[docs] def read_xml(self, xmlfile): """ xmlfile should be ('/path/to/folder','filename.xml') """ self.xmlfile = xmlfile f = open(xmlfile, "r") tree = parse(f) self.xml = tree.getroot() f.close()
[docs] def read_image(self, imgfile, bgfile=None): """ imgfile and bgfile should be ('/path/to/folder','filename.tif') """ self.imgfile, self.bgfile = imgfile, bgfile self.img = TIFF(os.path.join(imgfile)) if bgfile: -= TIFF(os.path.join(bgfile)).data self.minmax = self.img.minmax self.percentiles = self.img.percentiles([1,5,99,99.995]) self.blobs = find_blobs(
[docs] def display_image(self, rescale=False, rescale_to_global_minmax=False, rescale_to_percentile_and_max=False): """ Displayes the spectrometer image using OpenCV's function :py:func:`cv2.imshow` """ if rescale: i = self.img if rescale_to_global_minmax: print("Rescaling to global min and max values (%d,%d)" % self.collection.minmax) img_data = i.rescale(self.collection.minmax) elif rescale_to_percentile_and_max: print("Rescaling image using 5 percent percentile to local maximum value: (%d,%d)." % (self.percentiles[5], i.minmax[1])) img_data = i.rescale((self.percentiles[5], i.minmax[1])) else: img_data = i.rescale(i.minmax) else: img_data = cv2.imshow('test',img_data) return cv2.waitKey()
def __str__(self): return "MeasurementPoint: (date: %s, xml: %s, image: %s, bgimage: %s)" % (, self.xmlfile, self.imgfile, self.bgfile)
[docs] def dump_xml_structure(self, level=0): """ Returns a human readable dump of the xml structure. Implemented as a recursive function. Therefore call without providing the `level` argument.""" output = '' for element in self.xml: output += ''.join(['--' for i in range(level)]) output += "> " + element.tag if element.text != None: content = element.text.replace("\n"," ") output += " : " if len(content) < 20: output += content else: output += content[:20] + " ..." output += "\n" output += self.dump_xml_structure(element, level+1) return output
def get_stage_positions(self): raise NotImplementedError def get_photodiode_scope_channel(self): return self.get_scope_channel(self.PD_SCOPE_CHANNEL) def get_ion_scope_channel(run): return self.get_scope_channel(self.ION_SCOPE_CHANNEL) def get_scope_channel(run, channel_no): for scope in run: if scope.tag == 'NI_TCP_Scope': for channel in scope: if channel.tag == 'CH' + str(channel_no): data = channel.text data = [float(value) for value in data.split()] return data def calculate_ion_signal(self): ion_signal_point = 0.0 for ion_signal_point in self.get_ion_scope_channel(): ion_signal += ion_signal_point return ion_signal